List Of 20 Handmade Leather Items Which Can Be Sold From India to Etsy Globally

Why India is a Great Location for Selling Leather Products on Etsy?


India has a rich history of leather craftsmanship that dates back centuries. With the rise of global e-commerce platforms like Etsy, Indian sellers have an opportunity to offer their unique and high-quality leather products to a global audience. In this post, we'll explore why India is a great location for selling leather products on Etsy and the opportunities available to Indian sellers.

The Global Market for Leather Goods

There is a growing demand for leather products in the United States, Canada, and Europe. According to a report by Grand View Research, the leather goods market in the United States was valued at approximately $27 billion in 2020. The market in Europe was valued at around €40 billion, and the leather goods market in Canada is expected to reach approximately CAD 2.7 billion by 2025.


Sourcing High-Quality Leather Products from India

India has established leather production centers in cities like Kanpur, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, and Delhi. These centers use traditional methods of production that have been passed down through generations. Some manufacturers in India use eco-friendly and sustainable practices in their production. This presents an opportunity for Indian sellers to offer high-quality leather products that appeal to a wide range of buyers.

Affordability of Production Costs in India

The cost of production in India is significantly lower compared to other countries like the United States and European countries. This means that Indian sellers can offer competitive prices for their products while maintaining high quality. With a lower cost of production, Indian sellers have a competitive advantage in the global market for leather goods.

Etsy's Vast Global Reach

Etsy has millions of active buyers across the world. This presents an opportunity for Indian sellers to expand their customer base beyond the domestic market. By leveraging Etsy's platform, Indian sellers can reach buyers from all over the world and increase their sales.

Offering Unique and High-Quality Leather Products

Indian sellers can use traditional methods of production and incorporate Indian design elements into their products to stand out from the competition. By offering unique and high-quality products, Indian sellers can appeal to a wide range of buyers. With the increasing importance of sustainability and ethics in manufacturing, Indian sellers can also showcase their eco-friendly and sustainable production practices.

Leveraging Etsy's Resources and Tools

Etsy provides resources and tools to help sellers optimize their product listings and increase visibility. Indian sellers can use relevant keywords and tags to make their products more discoverable to buyers. They can also use social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to showcase their products and build a loyal following of customers. Etsy's marketing tools, such as promoted listings and Etsy Ads, can help Indian sellers attract more buyers and grow their businesses.

From retailing to wholesale

Etsy can be an excellent platform for sellers to grow their business from retail to wholesale. With millions of active buyers and a strong community of sellers, Etsy provides the tools and resources to help sellers reach a wider audience and increase their sales.

Here are some ways sellers can grow their business from retailing to wholesale on Etsy:

Offer Wholesale Pricing

Sellers can offer wholesale pricing to buyers who purchase their products in bulk. This can be an attractive proposition for buyers who are looking to resell the products in their own stores. To offer wholesale pricing on Etsy, sellers can create a separate listing for their products and set a minimum order quantity and a lower price for bulk purchases.

Participate in Etsy Wholesale

Etsy Wholesale is a program that allows sellers to connect with retailers who are looking to buy wholesale products. To participate in Etsy Wholesale, sellers must apply and be accepted into the program. Once accepted, they can create a wholesale storefront and showcase their products to potential buyers.

Attend Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Trade shows and exhibitions are a great way for sellers to showcase their products and connect with potential buyers. Etsy sellers can attend trade shows and exhibitions that are relevant to their products and industry. This can help them build relationships with retailers and buyers who may be interested in purchasing their products wholesale.

Create Custom Products for Wholesale Buyers

Sellers can create custom products for wholesale buyers based on their specific needs and requirements. This can be a great way to establish long-term relationships with buyers and increase sales. Sellers can use Etsy's messaging system to communicate with buyers and collaborate on custom product designs.

Use Etsy's Resources and Tools for Wholesale Selling

Etsy provides resources and tools to help sellers grow their business, including their Wholesale Marketplace Handbook, which offers guidance on setting up a wholesale business on Etsy. Etsy also offers features like Etsy Studio, which allows sellers to showcase their products to potential wholesale buyers.

Build Relationships with Buyers and Repeat Customers

Building relationships with buyers and repeat customers can be an effective way to increase sales and grow a wholesale business. Sellers can use Etsy's messaging system to stay in touch with buyers and provide excellent customer service. By offering quality products and outstanding customer service, sellers can create loyal customers who are more likely to make repeat purchases and refer their friends and family.


India is a prime location for sourcing high-quality leather products, making it an excellent opportunity for Indian sellers on Etsy. By offering unique and high-quality products, Indian sellers can tap into the growing demand for leather goods in the United States, Canada, and Europe. With Etsy's powerful resources and tools, Indian sellers can expand their customer base and grow their businesses. The potential for Indian sellers to take their leather business to the next level on Etsy is vast, and with the right approach, success is within reach.

Download 20 Handmade Leather Products List Here:

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